Ibn Khaldun International Conference on Applied and Social Sciences (IICASS-2022) is an annual event organized by Bogor Ibn Khaldun University. The aim of this activity is to provide a forum for scholars, intellectuals, and professionals to share ideas in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs Targets. The theme carried out at this year’s conference is “Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving the SDGs Targets for Meeting the Basic Needs of the People”. IICASS-2022 presented the Mayor of Bogor as the Keynote Speaker and invited six Guest Speakers from five countries, namely India, Yemen, Malaysia, Gambia, and Indonesia. IICASS-2022 collaborates with various institutions as co-hosts, both domestically and from abroad such as Ibn Haldun University-Turkey, the Institute of Objectives Study-India, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, National Human Rights Commission of The Gambia, National Research and Innovation Agency-BRIN, Djuanda University and so on.
Ibn Khaldun International Conference on Applied and Social Sciences (IICASS-2022) is an annual event organized by Bogor Ibn Khaldun University. The aim of this activity is to provide a forum for scholars, intellectuals, and professionals to share ideas in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs Targets. The theme carried out at this year’s conference is “Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving the SDGs Targets for Meeting the Basic Needs of the People”. IICASS-2022 presented the Mayor of Bogor as the Keynote Speaker and invited six Guest Speakers from five countries, namely India, Yemen, Malaysia, Gambia, and Indonesia. IICASS-2022 collaborates with various institutions as co-hosts, both domestically and from abroad such as Ibn Haldun University-Turkey, the Institute of Objectives Study-India, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, National Human Rights Commission of The Gambia, National Research and Innovation Agency-BRIN, Djuanda University and so on. IICASS-2022 discusses various scientific fields in supporting sustainable development which are its sub-themes, including social environmental sciences, environmental economics, green business & entrepreneurship, system engineering, health and sanitation, engineering and science, law and regulation, education for sustainable development, as well as Islamic values and sustainability. We hope that this conference activity will run smoothly and can produce great works of thought…
Indonesia Technology Enhanced Language Learning (iTELL) was established in 2016 intended as a medium for teachers and researchers in Indonesia to collaborate ideas in the area of teaching and learning using technology. This purpose is expected to be achieved to direct contacts with teachers through workshops and conferences. Correspondingly, working together with local governments, schools, teacher associations, and school foundations, iTELL has run a number of workshops for teachers regarding the use of technology in the classroom. This year 2020 would be the third iTELL conference. The first conference was hosted by Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) Salatiga in November 2016 with the theme: “Technology Enhanced Language Learning: Teaching and Researching”. The second conference was hosted in March 2018, organised by Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta with “CALL & MALL TO ENHANCE THE THINKING PROCESS: innovative, practical solutions & enhanced sustainability” as the theme. For this third conference, we came up with a theme “Can Technology Really Enhance Language Learning? Revisiting the real practices”, and is hosted by Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA) Bogor. This publication presents some papers presented in this conference. These papers provide various ideas and experiences blended in the conference. We hope all of you like them and they…
Sebuah kumpulan penelitian para peserta Seminar Nasional 2018 yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 6 Maret 2018 atas kerjasama Pusat Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam dengan Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Ibn Khladun Bogor. Seminar tersebut bertema, “Membangun Budaya Literasi Pendidikan & Bimbingan dan Konseling Dalam Mempersiapkan Generasi Emas”. Hasil seminar tersebut dijadikan sebuah buku prosiding dengan barcode ISBN terbitan UIKA Press.
Sebuah buku kumpulan penelitian para dosen Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor. Khususnya pada Program Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Ibn Khladun Bogor. Dimana Prosiding tersebut yaitu bertaraf internasional yang telah teruji dalam seminar internasional. Kumpulan penelitian ini pun tentang pendidikan dan ilmu sosial.